Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Haiku Poem

Her legs are wide as.
She is super duper high.
Her hands are pointy.

She is quite tall.

Her legs are so really long.

She is so clever.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Maths Rich Task


Reflecting on my Learning

Which learning muscles did I use to help me with my maths learning?
I used the noticing muscle because at first I didn't Know what to do and then I saw my buddies doing it and then I took notice and I knew what to do.  

What was the new maths learning for me?
Volume was the new maths learning for me

Which bits of maths learning do I still need to practise?

Probably volume because I still need to learn about it  

Tuesday, June 28, 2016


The broken door.

The broken door.

Last saturday at home my brother and I were playing a game.Running around the house, we smashed the glass in the door.SMASH!!! I thought to myself I am bleeding bad.Jacob and I both received cuts to our arms and hands.Mum was angry,but she had to take me to the hospital to get my cuts glued together.On Wednesday pops friend who is a builder,came and put a new glass in the door.Now mum is really happy.Jacob and I are not allow to run in the house any more.We both learned a big lesson.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Lost in the Airport

Moment in time Lost at the Airport

We just arrived at the Melbourne Airport, I was excited me and brother was going to see my dad.  I was looking at a magazine and I turned around and all of a sudden  my brother was gone.  I was really really worried so I asked somebody to help me find him.  So somebody said “yes what is his name and what does he look like?”. I said “well his name is Jacob and what he looks like he has brown hair and he is wearing a jacket and black pants”.  So we went looking and looking for him all over the place.  Luckily I found him, man I was so worried but happy when I found him.
The End.

Reflection: My goal is to put speech marks when there are talking bits. I achieved that.


Monday, March 7, 2016

thank you letter to mr Lowe

here is my thank you letter to Mr Lowe

Dear Mr Lowe

this is the highlights for me

Tubing down the river because I liked lying in it and that made me  happy

and especially dun dun duuuuun …………. watching the movie in our drive in movie cars. now here  is an acrostic poem just for you

Delicious food that you cooked
Excellent jobs
Respected the campsite
Encouraging me to try
Kind and generous

Taking me in your car
Knows heaps
Says funny things

from Marcus.

Friday, February 19, 2016

All about Me

1. I am English

2. I like cool designed cars and dress-ups.

3.I love going swimming and I am learning swimming lessons and I like swimming like a mermaid.

4. My birthday is  on 25 of October and I am 8 years old.
 I am nearly 9 years old